- 2024/04/19 at07:30
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"What Defines Pathological Fractures in Children? Causes and epidemiology of pediatric pathological fractures By DR.Khabiri*** Proximal humerus pathologic fracture, how I do in challenging UBC cases? By Dr.Khalil Kaaregrar *** When and how to treat fibrous dysplasia? By Dr.Ghaznavi *** Can distal femur fracture in CP be managed non-surgically? By Dr.Monir Pirasteh *** Challenges and Solutions in Limb Salvage Surgery for Young child Patients with Malignant Tumoral Pathological Fractures By Dr.Milad Aghabozorgi and Dr.Sadegh Saberi *** What Makes Spinal Pathological Fractures Unique? By Dr.Javad Dehghani *** How to recognize spine metastatic lesions? *** How Have Spinal Pathologic facture reatments Evolved? By Dr.Parham Talebiyan ***Approaches to Spinal Pathological Fractures Due to Metastatic Disease: Balancing Oncologic Control and Structural Integrity. By Dr.Chehrassan *** Minimally Invasive Techniques for Spinal Tumoral Fractures: Vertebroplasty, Kyphoplasty, and Beyond. By M.Mirzashahi *** Benign aggressive vertebra lesion, case presentation (3 cases) By Dr.Golbakhsh Dr.Chehrasan , DR.Shakeri